New Fire Stations

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Proposed Fire Stations Information


  • SFD Headquarters: Main Street and Mayflower Drive, South Sanford.
  • District Station: Payne Street, Springvale.

Design Features:

  • Separate zones to mitigate chemical exposure.
  • Quiet sleeping quarters.
  • Gender-neutral facilities.
  • Energy efficiency.

Reasons for New Stations

  • Age: Both stations, aged over 50 and 100 years respectively, have far exceeded their intended lifespans. Built when equipment was smaller, some modern vehicles no longer fit in the current bays.
  • Size: The current fire stations are undersized and unable to accommodate modern fire trucks and equipment. Lack of space for training, storage, and proper organization of firefighting gear and supplies.
  • Safety: Our stations were constructed before modern safety standards, codes, and practices were established. The facilities are inadequate for firefighters to clean and maintain their gear, increasing health risks from exposure to contaminants.
  • Equitability: Inadequate facilities for female firefighters.
  • Compliance: Non-compliant with NFPA and OSHA standards.
  • Location: The current stations are not ideally located in our community. The new stations will be optimally positioned to help ensure faster emergency services. This strategic placement will also better accommodate our community’s growth.

Financial Implications

  • Cost: $42.5 million for construction.
  • Delay Costs: Each year of delay adds $2.6 million.
  • Funding Strategy:
    • Align construction with the retirement of current debt service.
    • Pursue federal grants (FEMA, Congressional Direct Spending, USDA) post-approval.

Recent Project Developments

2024: Planning and Design

  • January 16th: City Council authorized $168,000 for architectural planning and cost estimation.
  • March 19th: Detailed plans for new stations presented by Bob Mitchell of WBRC/Mitchell Associates, focusing on firefighter health, safety, and energy efficiency.
  • March 19th: City Council authorized a ballot referendum for the November 5th election that seeks Sanford/Springvale voter approval on the construction of two fire stations at the total price of $42.5 million.

2022- 2023: Property Acquisition

  • Properties:
    • 1280 Main Street- Springvale Nurseries (Headquarters/Central Station).
    • 10 Payne Street- Notre Dame Church (District/Sub Station).


  • APRA Funding (COVID Money) Allocation: $585,000 allocated for purchasing 1280 Main St, Sanford.
  • Activities: Tours of Brunswick and Wells Fire Stations for insights.

2021: Fire Station Feasibility Working Group

  • Purpose: Analyze the necessity of new fire stations and identify optimal locations.

2020: Architect Review

  • Participants: WBRC Architects and Mitchell Associates.
  • Findings: Existing fire stations are outdated, non-compliant with current codes, and unsafe. Immediate replacement recommended.

Project Background Information

2019: Initial Bond Vote

  • Residents voted against a $1 Million bond to purchase land for a new fire station. Note: This vote was not for the construction of a new fire station.

2016: Port City Architecture Study of the City's Fire/EMS Department.

  • Recommendations:
    • Vacate all three existing facilities.
    • Construct two new stations along the Route 109 corridor at equidistant increments.
      • Main Station: ~29,000 sq ft with 5 drive-through bays, 1 decontamination bay, and living, training, and administrative spaces.
      • Substation: ~16,000 sq ft with 4 bays and living quarters.

Help us modernize our fire stations to better serve Sanford and Springvale. The new facilities will address critical issues with our current, outdated stations, improving safety for firefighters and residents. Let's invest in a safer future for everyone.



Proposed Fire Stations Information


  • SFD Headquarters: Main Street and Mayflower Drive, South Sanford.
  • District Station: Payne Street, Springvale.

Design Features:

  • Separate zones to mitigate chemical exposure.
  • Quiet sleeping quarters.
  • Gender-neutral facilities.
  • Energy efficiency.

Reasons for New Stations

  • Age: Both stations, aged over 50 and 100 years respectively, have far exceeded their intended lifespans. Built when equipment was smaller, some modern vehicles no longer fit in the current bays.
  • Size: The current fire stations are undersized and unable to accommodate modern fire trucks and equipment. Lack of space for training, storage, and proper organization of firefighting gear and supplies.
  • Safety: Our stations were constructed before modern safety standards, codes, and practices were established. The facilities are inadequate for firefighters to clean and maintain their gear, increasing health risks from exposure to contaminants.
  • Equitability: Inadequate facilities for female firefighters.
  • Compliance: Non-compliant with NFPA and OSHA standards.
  • Location: The current stations are not ideally located in our community. The new stations will be optimally positioned to help ensure faster emergency services. This strategic placement will also better accommodate our community’s growth.

Financial Implications

  • Cost: $42.5 million for construction.
  • Delay Costs: Each year of delay adds $2.6 million.
  • Funding Strategy:
    • Align construction with the retirement of current debt service.
    • Pursue federal grants (FEMA, Congressional Direct Spending, USDA) post-approval.

Recent Project Developments

2024: Planning and Design

  • January 16th: City Council authorized $168,000 for architectural planning and cost estimation.
  • March 19th: Detailed plans for new stations presented by Bob Mitchell of WBRC/Mitchell Associates, focusing on firefighter health, safety, and energy efficiency.
  • March 19th: City Council authorized a ballot referendum for the November 5th election that seeks Sanford/Springvale voter approval on the construction of two fire stations at the total price of $42.5 million.

2022- 2023: Property Acquisition

  • Properties:
    • 1280 Main Street- Springvale Nurseries (Headquarters/Central Station).
    • 10 Payne Street- Notre Dame Church (District/Sub Station).


  • APRA Funding (COVID Money) Allocation: $585,000 allocated for purchasing 1280 Main St, Sanford.
  • Activities: Tours of Brunswick and Wells Fire Stations for insights.

2021: Fire Station Feasibility Working Group

  • Purpose: Analyze the necessity of new fire stations and identify optimal locations.

2020: Architect Review

  • Participants: WBRC Architects and Mitchell Associates.
  • Findings: Existing fire stations are outdated, non-compliant with current codes, and unsafe. Immediate replacement recommended.

Project Background Information

2019: Initial Bond Vote

  • Residents voted against a $1 Million bond to purchase land for a new fire station. Note: This vote was not for the construction of a new fire station.

2016: Port City Architecture Study of the City's Fire/EMS Department.

  • Recommendations:
    • Vacate all three existing facilities.
    • Construct two new stations along the Route 109 corridor at equidistant increments.
      • Main Station: ~29,000 sq ft with 5 drive-through bays, 1 decontamination bay, and living, training, and administrative spaces.
      • Substation: ~16,000 sq ft with 4 bays and living quarters.

Help us modernize our fire stations to better serve Sanford and Springvale. The new facilities will address critical issues with our current, outdated stations, improving safety for firefighters and residents. Let's invest in a safer future for everyone.


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Page last updated: 15 Oct 2024, 11:42 AM