Safe Streets For All Grant (SS4A) Safety Action Plan Grant
The City of Sanford has been awarded a $200,000 Safe Streets and Roads for All Planning Grant from the US DOT. The grant will be used to develop a comprehensive safety action plan to prevent roadway fatalities and injuries in our community. The action plan will be developed with the Vision-Zero strategy, which aims to, "eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all."
Sanford Director of Public Works, Matthew Hill, explained the importance of the grant: "The SS4A grant allows the City to hire a consultant to develop an Action Plan. After the Action Plan is complete, the City will identify a safety concern from the Plan and apply to the SS4A Fund for an Implementation Grant." Developing a safety action plan also has the potential to uncover additional funding opportunities outside of the SS4A process.
Implementation Grants utilize federal funds to implement projects and strategies from an Action Plan addressing roadway safety issues. Projects can encompass infrastructure, behavioral, demonstration, and operational elements.
According to the DOT, Implementation Grants will be awarded to projects that focus on "saving lives and reducing roadway fatalities and/or serious injuries; incorporating equity, engagement, and collaboration into how projects and strategies are executed; using effective practices and strategies; and considering climate change, sustainability, and economic competitiveness in project and strategy implementation."
Improving Sanford's streets and roads has been a consistent priority of the City Council and staff. This grant will work in coordination with Sanford’s other local, regional, and national efforts to improve infrastructure and revitalize the community.
One of the main focuses of the City is improving Sanford’s roadways for all users. Receiving this grant is an integral part of the process," said Hill.
Share your roadway safety thoughts!
Just off Bauneg Beg Rd is Chick Rd. Many people on this road walk their dogs.
I walk twice every day. I am definitely not alone.
Chick Road has become a short cut to Lebanon, Berwick & Rochester. Vehicles are flying through - up & back with no concern or regard for anyone walking or kids playing.
I’ve almost been hit a number of times. I push my fog over & I jump out of the way - into the woods. I just watch in disbelief as the car or truck or dump truck just speeds off.
Wondered if there such a thing as a dog walking safety sign? Like Kids playing?
Speed is definitely a factor - I’ve also noticed some drivers are just distracted.
Hoping the town will address the situation before someone gets hurt.
Brook St near Stackpole Ct -- Yet another flipped car last night! How does this happen on a slow residential street? I've seen three accidents in the same spot in the last few years. The only reason I can think of is how the on-street parking makes it into one lane and the on-coming drivers don't always yield (they do have right of way, but sometimes you're already in the bottle neck and have no place to go).
The intersection at Third Alarm Diner, Washington St / Riverside Ave, is really hard to see pedestrians because of the parking right up to the intersection around the diner. I've had people walk right out in front of me from behind a vehicle so that I had to slam on my brakes. If the one space at each corner can't be clear, perhaps add a blinking pedestrian light like in downtown?
To comment on the locations due to be presented, the two things I feel pertaining to the section of Country Club Rd (Route 4) between CC2 and CC3 are that it’s is quite dark at night. Very little street lighting and no obvious procedure for traffic turning into driveways or side streets. The shoulders are fairly wide, so if somehow they can be designed that they operate as a dual shoulder/turning lane, that could be of help.
Unfortunately, Bauneg Beg Road in Sanford has become a speedway used by motorists taking a shortcut from North Berwick to Lebanon/Rochester. We've asked repeatedly for the past decade to erect relatively low speed limit signs. Many of our neighbors who walk this road, including those with children and pets, have had to jump out of the way for oncoming motorists travelling excess speeds of 60 mph plus, particularly during the morning rush hour from 6:00 to 9:00 and the evening rush hour from 4:00-7:00. We and our neighbors have offered for police officers to use our driveways to monitor and apprehend multiple speeders along our quiet mountain road. So far we have seen no action. Our concerns date back over a decade, but the situation continues to worsen.
The half mile of Stanley Rd off 109 in Springvale is a raceway. Construction trucks and other traffic come down the hill greatly exceeding the posted speed limit. At the bottom of the hill is the Veteran's Cemetery entrance/exit. Horns are frequently heard when someone is surprised. Below that driveway is a down-hill corner where there's a blind driveway on one side and an entrance/exit to a busy trail head/fishing spot. Traffic off 109 up the hill is just as treacherous since the corner hill obscures the cemetery entrance/exit. Pedestrians, runners and cyclists have no shoulder to get out of the way of traffic.
From the rotary to Old Mill Road is a speedway. Drivers are constantly running the red light at the Mall for Shopping and at the intersection of Westview Dr. Put a cop in that strip and you'll make enough to fund your own project.
Please add Shaw's Ridge Road/Cottage Street/Grammar Road intersection....a turn signal is needed there. Quite a few accidents (an accident yesterday 2/28).
Rt 4 and School St is “better” with widening and turning lane but really needs a light. Thought that was going to happen.
There is a narrow spot on Old Mill where the road crosses a creek. If there are pedestrians or bikes they are forced into the roadway to cross this area. I know people who will not walk or ride bikes on Old Mill due to that.
A left arrow from the south side of 202 turning left onto Main Street to head to Springvale would be helpful.
I have lived at my residence for over 30 years. I am located @176 Cottage St., Sanford.
I have seen several accidents through the years in the 4-way intersection of Cottage & June. Theirs not to many people that follow the 25 mph in this zone. I find tractor trailers to be a big problem. Most vehicles going by do not adhere to the speed limit. I hold my breath every time I have to cross over from one side of June to the other. My husband (now deceased) use to call the police dept. repeatedly about this dangerous area and he did get some attention about this ongoing problem, but nothing that actually solved the problem long term.
The intersection of Grammar St. & Grammar Rd. can be dangerous. Approaching traffic from the west (Springvale) is difficult to see when vehicles are exceeding the speed limit (often the case).
Grammar St needs a sidewalk from where it meets High St up to July St area. Also a sidewalk on School St from Avon St down to Rushton.
Need speed limit signs on Blanchard rd.
1. Coming up Mill St to Main St Springvale it's hard to see traffic because of parking spots.
2. Parking on both sides of Main St by old district Court in Springvale feels too bottlenecked.
The lower part of circle dr need some serious help. It’s always flooding and freezing in the winter time I think it needs a culvert but I’m not going to tell the experts what it needs just that it needs some attention
Kimball st (from Lebanon st to Twombley) needs a side walk. Freemont St needs to be paved.
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