Safe Streets For All Grant (SS4A) Safety Action Plan Grant
The City of Sanford has been awarded a $200,000 Safe Streets and Roads for All Planning Grant from the US DOT. The grant will be used to develop a comprehensive safety action plan to prevent roadway fatalities and injuries in our community. The action plan will be developed with the Vision-Zero strategy, which aims to, "eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all."
Sanford Director of Public Works, Matthew Hill, explained the importance of the grant: "The SS4A grant allows the City to hire a consultant to develop an Action Plan. After the Action Plan is complete, the City will identify a safety concern from the Plan and apply to the SS4A Fund for an Implementation Grant." Developing a safety action plan also has the potential to uncover additional funding opportunities outside of the SS4A process.
Implementation Grants utilize federal funds to implement projects and strategies from an Action Plan addressing roadway safety issues. Projects can encompass infrastructure, behavioral, demonstration, and operational elements.
According to the DOT, Implementation Grants will be awarded to projects that focus on "saving lives and reducing roadway fatalities and/or serious injuries; incorporating equity, engagement, and collaboration into how projects and strategies are executed; using effective practices and strategies; and considering climate change, sustainability, and economic competitiveness in project and strategy implementation."
Improving Sanford's streets and roads has been a consistent priority of the City Council and staff. This grant will work in coordination with Sanford’s other local, regional, and national efforts to improve infrastructure and revitalize the community.
One of the main focuses of the City is improving Sanford’s roadways for all users. Receiving this grant is an integral part of the process," said Hill.
Which road do you believe is the least safe for travel?
The data entered will be used to inform infrastructure improvements in the Safety Plans. Please include the time of day and year, any other important information.
If you are interested in providing more details and insight please take our survey: